Every band that has played at La Roche Bluegrass Festival
with year of passage, by country and in alphabetical order
with year of passage, by country and in alphabetical order
Kristy Cox (2014) AUSTRIA New River Train (2009, 2012, 2014) Nugget (2023) BELGIUM A Murder in Mississippi (2023) Blue Maxx (2017) Hills of Belgium (2022) M City Ramblers (2019) Sons of Navarone (2011, 2012 contest winner, 2013, 2015) Rawhide (2016) BRAZIL Mary Lee Family Band (2024) BULGARIA Lilly of the West (2009, 2011, 2014, 2016) CANADA They Call Me Rico (2012) Oh My Darling (2013) Whitney Rose (2019) CZECH REPUBLIC Album (2008, 2010) All Bells & Whistles (2007, 2008, 2011) Bary (2018) Blackjack (2010, 2011 contest winner, 2012, 2015) Blue REJ (2011) Bluegrass Bazar (2012, 2013, 2017) Bluegrass Comeback (2006, 2007) Bluegrass Cwrkot (2024) Brzdari (2010) Buddy Weston & the Spare Parts (2014) Country Cocktail (2008, 2009, 2011, 2012) Dessert (2007, 2008, 2010) Druha Trava (2016) East West (2012, 2013 conest winner; 2014, 2015, 2016) Flastr (2017) Fryda & Co (2019) Funny Grass (2011) G-Runs n Roses (2007, 2009 2010, 2011 contest winner, 2015, 2016 contest winner, 2017) Giant Mountains Band (2012, 2013) Grass Road (2012, 2013) Handl (2012, 2013, 2019) The Jumper Cables ( 2014 contest winner), 2015 Kralik & his Rowdy Rascals (2007 contest winner, 2008, 2010, 2015) Kreni (2008, 2009 contest winner, 2010, 2015) Ladybirds (2013, 2014, 2017) The Log (2006) Lusatian Grass (2008, 2009) Milkeaters (2018, 2022) Monogram (2008 contest winner, 2009, 2015) New Aliquot (2019) Nudlicky (2017) Portrait (2016) Prazce (2006, 2007) Professional Deformation (2019 contest winner, 2023) Sem Tam (2013) Sunny Side (2009, 2013) Svata Kotas Band (2009) Travellin’ Twisted Trio (2017, 2018) Twisted Timber (2010, 2013) Veget (2006, 2011) Wyrton (2007, 2008, 2010, 2014) Zenkl & Kozac (2022) DENMARK Cross Island Porch Band (2017) Table for Two (2022) ESTONIA Robirohi (2007, 2016) FINLAND Jussi Syren & the Groundbreakers (2023) FRANCE Abigael’s Orchestra (2010, 2011) Accordzéâm (2018) Acoustic Boulevard (2014) Acoustic River (2008) Blue Quitach (2007, 2013) Blue Side of Town (2011) Bluegrass 43 (2010, 2011) Bluegrass Deluxe (2009, 2012) Boom Ditty (2019) Chapeau de Paille (2016) Christian Labonne Trio (2021) Cow Comino Train (2024YT) Dear John (2019, 2021, 2022) Dvorak Bluegrass Quartet (2012) Les Cheers (2009) Flat Top Brothers (2022) Fierce Flowers (2018) Foxy Family (2023) The Glissandos (2018) Grassy Point (2012) Harlan (2016) Howlin Fox (2009, 2010, 2011) Jack Danielle’s String Band (2008) Keep off the Grass (2006) Lonesome Day (2008, 2009) Mart O’Pickers (2015) Martha Fields Band (2021) Mary & Co (2008) Mary Lou (2008, 2009) Mary Reynaud (2017, 2019) Mathis & Benoit (2023) Moonshine (2006, 2007, 2008, 2015, 2021) Morgane G (2024) Muddy Hill Boys (2016, 2017) Nashville Airplane (20012, 2014) New Blue Quitach (2024) New Dangerfield (2019) Oak (2014, 2015) Penelope Gentlemen (2017) Quartier Français (2006, 2010) Roots & Drive (2017, 2021) Silène & the Dreamcatchers (2021, 2023) Springfield (2007, 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015) Stepping Stones (2010) The Strings Fellows (2022) South Drive (2016) Sunshine in Ohio (2023) Sweet River Band (2021) Tante Agathes (2006, 2007) Taquine (2018, 2021) Tennessee Stud (2010) Tildon Krautz (2011, 2012) Timber (2014 Tony D and the Old Jims (2013) Tricyclette (2024) Turquoise (2012) Two of Us (2022) Watson Bridge (2016, 2021) Wondergrass (2007) The Yokel (2018) Zip Code 2025 (2006, 2007) |
Andy Glandt (2007) Bunch of Grass (2022) Covered Grass (2010, 2016) Grassroot Philosopher (2008, 2010) Johnny & the Yooahoos (2022 - YT, 2023) Mad Meadows (2024) Old Time Hayride (20017, 2018) Standard Crow Behavior (2019) Stereo Naked (2018, 2022, 2023) Yonder Boys (2023) HUNGARY Acoustic Processing Unit (2012) Acousticure (2009, 2010) Annietime (2013, 2014) Melting Times (2011) Poa Pratensis (2011, 2012, 2016, 2019) INDIA Grassy Strings (2023) IRELAND Hot Rock Pilgrims (2019) I Draw Slow (2018) Long Way Home (2022) Old Hannah (2016) Mules & Men (2019) Pine Marten (2017 contest winner, 2018) Rackhouse Pilfer (2013, 2014, 2015) Saelkie Folk (2022) The Watery Hill Boys (2012, 2013) ITALY 0039 (2012, 2013) Blue Weed (2024) Bluedust (2014) Bluegrass Stuff (2006 contest winner; 2007 2009, 2012, 2015, 2023) Bononia Grass (2009, 2010) Ercoli & Conti (2016) G-Runners (2017) Infeltrio (2016, 2022) Mideando String Quintet (2007, 2008, 2010, 2015) Red Wine (2010, 2018, 2021) Truffle Valley Boys (2023) LITHUANIA Mag Grass (2013) Vidraga + (2014) THE NETHERLANDS Babes in the Grass (2007) Dolly, I Beg Your Pardon (2009) Emmy & Her Bluegrass Pals (2022) Except 2 (2011) Holy Water (2011, 2015) Janis McCoury (2012, 2013, 2019) JOE (2013) Lazy Tater (2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015) New Lowland (2008) Red Herring (2015, 2016, 2018) Spruce Pine (2006, 2007, 2008) NORWAY Buster Sledge (2024) The Fretworkers (2018) POLAND Bluegrass Destroyers (2014) GG Aqustic (2013) Kathy Simon Band (2018) Powergrass (2016) Stacja Folk (2022YT, 2024) PORTUGAL Stone Bones and Bad Spaghetti (2014, 2015, 2016) The Tumble Reeds (2016) RUSSIA Country Saloon (2006, 2007, 2009) Cheerful Diligence (2015, 2016) Duo RO (2017, 2018) Finestreet (2008, 2009) Grass Pistols (2012, 2013) Kukuruza (2012) SLOVAKIA 29 Strings (2009) Bill Faster Band (2014) Blueland (2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2019) Candy Floss (2008, 2009, 2013, 2017) Grass Country (2008, 2009) Grunt (2008) Heartbeats (2016, 2018) Meantime (2007) Sidlo (2007, 2008, 2010, 2014) Vodopad (2008, 2009) SOUTH KOREA Country Gongbang (2022) SPAIN Autopista 6 (2007, 2009, 2011) Barcelona Bluegrass Band (2018) Flamengrass (2022) Lluís Gómez Bluegrass 4tet (2024) The Surrounders (2014) |
Donwhill Bluegrass Band (2017) Dunderhead (2014) Freja Bluegrass Band (2008) G2 (2013) Happy Heartaches (2024) The Hillfillies (2016, 2018) John Henry (2013) Just as Blue (2022) Le Chat Mort (2012, 2015, 2017 contest winner, 2018) Long Gone Smiles Band (2017, 2019) The Moonshine Brothers (2014) New Valley String Band (2023) The Original Five (2019) Rookie Riot (2022-YT, 2023) The Spinning Jennies (2014) SWITZERLAND Beauregard Boys (2021) Bluegrass Family (2012) Elenor (2011) Jessie & the Gents (2018) Long John Brothers (2021, 2022) Mala & FyrMoon (2017) Moonrise (2013) UNITED KINGDOM Allen Family Band (2014, 2019) Ben Somers Band (2019) Blue Lass (2024YT) Dr Bluegrass & the Illbilly 8 (2011 2014) Boatswain Bros & Pitch Hill Boys (2022YT - 2024) The Coal Porters (2009) The Fountaineers (2022) Good Guy Hank (2022) Grassroots (2006) Heather Joyce (2011) Hot Rock Pilgrims (2018) Jaywalkers (2019) The Jolenes (2013) Kentucky Cowtippers (2014, 2016) Lunch Special (2019) New Essex Bluegrass Band (2009, 2010) The Often Herd (2018 contest winner, 2019) Percy Copley (2011) Roots & Galoots (2010, 2011) The Shackleton Trio (2018) Steve & Greta (2013) Taff Rapids (2024) Timothy O’Connor 2009) Toy Hearts (2008, 2009) Wire and Wool (2016) Wood, Wire and Words (2006) The Vanguards (2023) UNITED STATES 3 Fox Drive (2008) 10 String Symphony (2017) AJ Lee & Blue Summit (2019) Acoustic Trading Company (2015) The Alum Ridge Boys & Ashlee (2024) Bearfoot (2012) Blue Highway (2014) Bob Jones & the Bluegrass Cats (2009) Bradley, Gulley & Fox (2010) Broken Compas Bluegrass (2024) Campbell & Jensen (2024) Carrie Hassler & Hard Rain (2009) Chris & Sally Jones (2009) Cisco & the Racecars (2024) Compton & Newberry (2022) Crying Uncle Bluegrass Band (2022) Damn Tall Buildings (2023) Della Mae (2019) Driftwood Fire (2013) East Nash Grass (2024) Field & Thompson (2011, 2013) Frank Solivan & Dirty Kitchen (2013, 2015, 2018) Front Country (2016) Gypsy Cattle Drive (2018, 2022) Henhouse Prowlers (2023) Hickory Project (2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015) High Plains Jamboree (2017) IBMA’s Kids on Bluegrass (2015) Jeff Scroggins & Colorado (2017) Kathy Kallick Band (2011) Level Best (2022) Lonesome River Band (2015) Lover's Leap (2019) Mile Twelve (2019) Missy Raines & Allegheny (2022) Molly Tuttle (2018) Nell & Jim Band (2018) The Peregrines (2017) Rapidgrass (2016, 2017, 2018, 2022) Red Dog (2010) Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley (2016) Rick Faris Band (2024) Roger Mason (2022) Ronnie Bowman (2012) SLO County Stumblers (2023) Special Consensus (2023) Songs of the Fall (2017) Stella Prince (2024) Tellico (2019) Tim O'Brien Band (2023) WestWend (2016) |